“How To Take It With You” 5th Annual Entertainment Business Law Seminar at CMJ Music Marathon & Film Festival announces partnership with HSBC Private Bank
Hosted by the CMJ Music Marathon in Association with the New York State Bar Association Entertainment Arts & Sports Law Section (EASL) NEW YORK (September 24, 2010) – The Entertainment Business Law Seminar at CMJ Music Marathon & Film Festival 2010 in New York City today announced an exclusive partnership with HSBC Private Bank as the official presenting sponsor of this year’s event.
The Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) accredited one-day event will be held on Friday, October 22, 2010 at New York University’s Helen and Martin Kimmel Center, in the spectacular Richard L. Rosenthal Pavilion, where leaders at the center of the entertainment industry will discuss how legal practitioners can best protect their clients’ creative property in the digital age. In today’s digital world, with the development of ever faster, better and more powerful handheld devices such as the Android or the iPad, the entertainment industry is scrambling to keep pace and capitalize on this new mobile marketplace that makes creative content available at consumers’ fingertips, whenever and wherever they want it. With these new formats come new legal questions. This year’s seminar will examine how creative, marketing and legal practitioners in the entertainment industry can protect creative property while ensuring that it is fully mobile – physically, internationally and even posthumously.
Joanne Abbot Green, co-owner of CMJ Network Inc. and founder and executive producer of CMJ Music Marathon & Film Festival said, “The legal profession plays a critical role in ensuring that artists and the entertainment industry continue to be successful, particularly during these rapidly changing and turbulent times. CMJ is thrilled to welcome HSBC Private Bank as a key sponsor in creating the best forum for attorneys to discuss all sides of this complex world of product mobility and the role they must play in it.” Programmed panels for the law seminar are listed online at
http://cmj2010.com/daytime-events/cle-legal-program/schedule and include:
Today Manhattan, Tomorrow The World – How U.S. entertainment content providers can succeed in foreign markets.
If it Walks and Quacks Like a Duck, How Much Do You Owe the Duck – Exploring the latest developments in publicity rights.
The End is Near: What You Need to Know About Copyright Terminations – Discussing key issues in copyright terminations including who is eligible and what is dissolvable as well as termination impacts and gray areas.
How to Avoid the Ethics Blues – Ethical Issues in Music, Film & Entertainment Law – Exploring ethics issues that arise when lawyers assume non-traditional legal roles or take on multiple roles while representing entertainment clients.
Rights, Restrictions & Compatibility: The Challenges of Mobile TV – Addressing issues facing lawyers negotiating distribution deals for mobile content including what is “mobile” versus “Internet.”
The Changing Landscape of Film Distribution: A Digital Vision – Examining new partnerships between film festivals and digital platforms to increase the accessibility and visibility of independent films.