Fellow Uniter,
We wanted to let you know about a project that has consumed our time and attention for the past 18 months or so — really what we have been shaping through various iterations since the formation of UNITE. Our new project is The Dignity Index, and we are conducting a demonstration project of this tool in Utah right now.
The Dignity Index is an instrument designed to measure political and public speech — the language that we use and its power to unite or divide. We are hoping to help people understand the language that demonstrates contempt vs. the language that recognizes the dignity in others, and learn a better way to communicate through our differences. You can take a quick look at the 8 point scale we are piloting on our website, and also see how we are applying this in Utah.
- Take the Dignity Pledge on the website dignityindex.us.
- Follow us on social media: @thedignityindex on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
- Share the website and social media channels with your friends.
- Send us feedback, ideas, or experiences that can strengthen the community and spread the movement: email us at dignityindex@unite.us
In gratitude,
The Dignity Index Team