We are one human family, whether in the United States or in China or the rest of the world. As a member of this family, we have the responsibility and obligation to make our due contribution to our common home. Only when people all over the world get along with each other and unite together can we realize the good wish of world peace. Although there are many countries and different nationalities in the world, but we have only one Earth! Therefore, we must establish a community of shared future for mankind to truly treat all life is to treat yourself!
The Prayer
男:街道空旷 夜色无常,
Male: The streets are desolate and the night obscures all,
rays of light pierce through the wind,
Angels and Demons face one another,
Under the dime light the path forward is blurred
女: 生命蒙难 世界同殇,
Female: Life is cut short, and the world mourns,
一张张脸神 情绪高昂,
but their faces show relentless determination
Hope and spring are bright,
Hope and spring are bright.
男:天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒,
Male: Grand is the heaven and the earth, vast is the universe
众人报春 指手化霜,
People herald the spring as their fingertips warm away the frost.
唯愿家国无染 岁月绵长。
Praying for long lasting safety for both family and country.
女:天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒,
Female: Grand is the heaven and the earth, vast is the universe
众人报春 指手化霜,
People herald the spring as their fingertips warm away the frost.
唯愿灿烂笑容 如往昔 繁华缇裳。
Praying for brilliant smiles as before like beautiful embroidery
女:春怀暖阳 走出创伤,
Female: Wounds give way to the promised warmth of the spring sun.
黑色眼神 力量铿锵,
Black eyes show power and strength
雨过彩虹 涅槃凤凰,
like a rainbow after the rain,
like a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
唯愿紫气神州 日出东方。
Praying for the sun to continue rising in the East
男:山川异域 风月同天,
Male: The mountains and rivers maybe strangers, but the wind and the moon are the same,
一双双手 救死扶伤,
Many hands save the dying and heal the wounded
fallen petals lie in profusion, as water flows,
Since olden times,
challenges make a nation strong.
女:山川异域 风月同天,
Female: The mountains and rivers maybe strangers, but the wind and the moon are the same,
天佑华夏 浩浩泱泱,
God bless this magnificent land,
唯愿紫气神州 日出东方。
Praying the sun continues to rise in the East
山川异域 风月同天,
The mountains and rivers maybe strangers, but the wind and the moon are the same,
一双双手 救死扶伤,
Many hands save the dying and heal the wounded.
Male: fallen petals lie in profusion, water flows long
Since olden times,
challenges make a nation strong.
合:山川异域 风月同天,
Together: The mountains and rivers maybe strangers, but the wind and the moon are the same,
天佑华夏 浩浩泱泱,
God bless this magnificent land,
唯愿紫气神州 日出东方。
Praying the sun continues to rise in the East
唯愿世界大同, 前路无恙
Praying for the world to unite,
Praying the path forward is safe and sound.