Here are three that have some passing reliability. As a side note, when I’m asked how big the web is, the only completely accurate answer I have is “it’s big”. Submitted by Susan Beer 1) This one provides numbers for 2006. How Big is the Internet? From Paul Gil, I) Total Internet Human Usage By Country of Residence 1. 922 million to 1032 million: the estimated number of unique individuals who will use the Internet in 2006, all countries combined. 2. 202 million: the estimated number of American residents who will use the Internet in 2006. 3. 46.3 million: the estimated number of United Kingdom residents who will use the Internet in 2006. 4. 22.2 million: the estimated number of Russian residents who will use the Internet in 2006. 5. 61 million: the estimated number of Japanese residents who will use the Internet in 2006. 6. 51.6 million: the estimated number of German residents who will use the Internet in 2006. 7. 24.6 million: the estimated number of Canadian residents who will use the Internet in 2006. 8. 101.8 million: the estimated number of Chinese residents who will use the Internet in 2006. 2) I liked this articles attitude on it. How Big is the Internet? Posted in Website Optimization Firm by Doug on the April 26th, 2007 This is the age old question. When developing Internet marketing strategies, you need good demographic and statistics to base your plan on. The Internet exists on millions of computers around the world and there is no person or company that controls it. You can look at the number of domain names issued, but not all domain names issued are being used. How many people use the Internet? According to Internet World Stats there are 211,108,086 Internet users in the United States which is about 70% of the US population. World wide there are 1.1 billion Internet users or about 17% of the world population. This is based on information updated as of March 10, 2007. 3) This has more to do with physical size and not audience. By: Alina Plesu, Technology and Science Editor It’s a well-known fact that the search engines are indexing only a small part of the entire Internet content. But what is the Internet’s exact size, especially since the 2005 boom has added 17 million new sites? In his speech at the annual conference of the National Advertisers Association, Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, said that, from the data recorded by the search engine, it seems that, at this specific moment, the Internet is made up of 5 million terabytes. Even Google, which is considered currently the best search engine ever, has succeeded to index only 170 terabytes up until now, Schmidt said. Google has been indexing information for 7 years, and if you want to have an idea on how fast this process is, it seems that, in order to index the 5 million terabytes of data, the search engine would need 300 years. And this would be valid only if nobody posted new content on the Internet. Finally, though it does not make a comparison to online viewers, this does address the loss of the television audience which one can assume is partly due to online use. Given add spend increases and Nielson decisions on rating methodologies, I think they see it as well.?