1. Practice laughing five minutes a day; fake it till you make it.
2. Look for humor around you- on signs. in people’s behavior, on TV, in newspapers, things others say and the crazy things that happen to you. Keep a journal.
3. Share your embarrassing moments with others.
4. Learn to play with things that are serious, like work, social issues, and money. You might use word play, silly songs or develop a comical view of the issues to help you cope.
5. Laugh with others when they laugh.
6. Wear a smile: it puts you closer to laughing.
7. Seek out entertainment that makes you laugh.
8. Amuse yourself with your own sense of humor.
9. Buy and listen daily to a tape of laughter, a laugh box or a laughing toy.
10. Play around with games and mindless toys that make you laugh.
11. Wear hats that make you laugh.
12. Cultivate your innate playfulness.
13. Be creative with fun.
14. Do at least one silly, nonconforming thing each day.
15. Give yourself permission to laugh at anything you need to.
16. Make sure you have fun.