Listen to “Tom Harris, President of the Times Square Alliance announces their sustainability for Times Square, the Manhattan Goes Green Earth Day…” on Spreaker.

The Times Square Alliance, founded in 1992, works to improve and promote Times Square — cultivating the creativity, energy and edge that have made the area an icon of entertainment, culture and urban life for over a century.
In addition to providing core neighborhood services with its Public Safety Officers and Sanitation Associates, the Alliance:
- Promotes local businesses
- Encourages economic development and public improvements
- Co-coordinates numerous major events in Times Square, including the annual New Year’s Eve and Solstice in Times Square celebrations
- Curates and presents public art projects throughout the district via Times Square Arts.
- Advocates on behalf of its constituents with respect to a host of public policy, planning and quality-of-life issues
The Alliance’s district covers most of the territory from 40th Street to 53rd Street between 6th and 8th Avenues, as well as Restaurant Row (46th Street between 8th and 9th Avenue).
The Times Square Alliance is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization and is governed by a large, voluntary Board of Directors.
#tomharris #timessquarealliance #manhattangoesgreen #earthday #marklevine