With the holidays just around the corner, Toys for Tots and their corporate partners are working to bring a “Mission Possible” for these affected families.
In December, the Blue Angels will transform their C-130 plane, affectionately nicknamed Fat Albert, into a modern day Santa’s Sleigh. Their mission to help Toys for Tots save Christmas for many children in the Northeast will entail toy pickup stops before reaching their final destination at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey.
While Toys for Tots is helping to save the NE, they are also helping millions of other children have a happy Christmas, as their parents struggle to provide basic essentials of food and shelter for their little ones. We need your listeners to help deliver the magic of the holidays to the families that need it most this season.
Since 1947, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve units have conducted Toys for Tots campaigns in communities nationwide to bring the joy of the holidays and a message of hope to America’s most deserving children. Last year, Toys for Tots programs in over 700 communities nationwide delivered 15.6 million toys to 7.2 million children. President and Chief Executive Officer for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, Lt. General Pete Osman, USMC (Ret), will discuss how listeners can deliver joy to a child displaced by Hurricane Sandy and to those in their community this holiday season.
Interview topics:
• The Blue Angels transformation of the C-130 plane, into a modern day Santa’s sleigh. General Osman will discuss the logistics of getting the toys to the children in need.
• How to help children in your own community. Lt. General Osman will provide an update on this year’s toy drive in your local market, including the number of children served and status on toy collections so far.
• Where to help. Listeners can drop off a toy at any Toys for Tots collection site now through December 15. They can also donate online through December 24 at www.toysfortots.org. There, listeners can to designate their donations to families impacted Hurricane Sandy if they choose to.
About the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation: The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is a not for profit organization authorized by the U.S. Marine Corps and the Department of Defense to provide fundraising and other necessary support for the annual Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. Now in its 65th year, Toys for Tots provides joy and a message of hope to economically disadvantaged children through the gift of a new toy during the Christmas holiday season. These gifts offer children hope, recognition and a positive memory they will cherish for a lifetime. Many of the gifts they provide, such as books, games and sports equipment, make a significant contribution to the educational, social and recreational development of these children. For more information, visit www.toysfortots.org.
for more info, go to https://goodnewsplanet.com/christmas-holiday-parade-in-los-angeles-for-toys-for-tots/