Hello from Walter the Vault®!
I mean, hello from Karen Tenenbaum!
As you may already know, my career has been dedicated to helping people in financial distress, but my personal mission is to help children learn about money – how to save it, how to invest it, how to spend it, and how to give it. Learning about finances, must start early in life when habits are formed. My brother and I put our heads together and came up with a character, Walter the Vault®, to teach young kids about money.
We have lots of ideas about teaching financial literacy and making it fun. We have written a series of children’s books, created a toy bank and we are in the early stages of creating an app.
Our first efforts will be focused on books, specifically, The Pumpernickels Meet Walter the Vault. In this introductory story, a brother and sister discover an enchanted toy bank named Walter the Vault® an join him on an adventure. The books are fun and engaging, and children will fall in love with Walter, learning money lessons along the way.
Now we just need to finalize and publish the first book. We launched a Kickstarter campaign and I am asking for your assistance. Can you please pledge? Pledges range from $9 to $2,000, with many levels in between, each with its own reward.
We would be so appreciative if you pledge today, to help bring Walter the Vault® to life and make a difference for the next generation of money-smart kids!
Thank you for your support!
Karen Tenenbaum