Good News Planet presents a new film by Intern/Employee Joseph Lodispoto about what we do here at Good News Planet and why we do it. Enjoy the film.
Since July 4, 1998, GNP is offering a new media concept for news and entertainment about people making a positive, constructive impact on society, no matter what the obstacles are. UP-BEAT, NOT BEAT-UP, SOLUTIONS ORIENTATED MEDIA.
Good News Planet (GNP) was established by Milestone Broadcast Corporation, est. 1985 and is a rapidly growing media lifestyle publications covering and distributing news and entertainment from domestic and international sources related to health, science, business, international relations, and multi-cultural and niche community interests. GNP publishes and syndicates content on-line, on-air, and in print under the Good News Planet Brand. We are one of the first news, entertainment and events media to combine the article with the audio interview and continuously to develop innovations in news media, especially on the WEB. .
Approximately 80 percent of GNP articles and attached audio interviews are made available forever on demand, from the internet, at all times. GNP’s current story archive contains over 5,000 audio, video and text stories and events, indexed by most major search engines. Most stories are indexed by major search engines within four weeks.
Serving a niche but extraordinarily influential community with excellent brand equity that ranges from international lawmakers and industry shakers, GNP is a powerful community of people and organizations who have contributed stories to the site. Currently, 100,000 unique visitors from this audience generate 1 million hits each month. . The audience is made up of a highly-influential, professional persons concerned about making a positive impact on the World and future generations through media. They collaborate with Good News Planet, via their agencies and in person at Good News Planet events, to network with individuals who share their interest in leveraging the power of media to make a positive impact on society.
ABOUT THE GOOD NEWS PLANET BRAND. This is the international place of record to build good will for brands by ‘walking the talk’. GNP IS A HUMANITARIAN AGGREGATOR OF CONTENT. We encourage you to make your mark to investors, lawmakers, and citizens from around the World as a sponsor and supporter of the publication, and let the World know that you support people and organizations that care about doing good things for the benefit of all kinds of communities. We offer the following information to those seeking to place content on Good News Broadcast:
‘Good News’ Brand Essence: A place where people can participate in news media in positive ways.
‘Good News’ Brand Promise: We promise to provide voice, in audio, video and text media, and any emerging technology platform that helps to fairly present constructive, unbiased, newsworthy information to all audiences – without preference to any single political, religious, business or social agenda. ‘Good News’ Brand Tone and Manner: Positive, life-affirming, thought-provoking, and up-beat. Content Example One: We would cover news about an earthquake just like any other news organization. To make the story ‘Good News’, we cover multi-national relief efforts, provide unedited audio and video interviews for download, and offer information how our audience can participate in those efforts.
Another content example: We would cover the introduction of a new medicine for heart attack patients. Because Good News is defined as presenting the story without preference to any business agenda over another, we merely present the product as ‘a solution’, but not ‘the best solution’. We then give the audience resources to do their own research and supply the various media resources we can to help audiences make a decision about the story.
Programming for GNB comes from leading independent or network producers throughout the world who care about the power of and responsibility of using media to create a positive dialogue within audience communities.
In addition, inspirational writers, lecturers, celebrities and world figures will be part of the “team”. But the team is larger than that, as it requests you to become part of it and help create the content.
Bottom Line: We are offering our archives to serve as a resource for people making a positive impact on society through news, entertainment and events, no matter what the obstacles are.
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Any audio/video segment or text message sent to is being given to us with the permission to use for worldwide broadcast or print. Segments can be edited. No segment or message will be returned. Note: cannot be responsible for content on any external website that we are linked to.
News desk and Media Contact: Paul Sladkus, Metropolitan Exchange Bank, 33 Flatbush Ave. Suite 400, Brooklyn, New York 11217. Tel. 718-522-1202. Email. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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Milestone Broadcast Corporation has exclusive rights to all video, audio, text, photos content on our website,