As the new year gets underway, Americans are setting new health and fitness goals for themselves and their families. To help stick to these goals throughout the year, everyone may want to take lessons from the best. The Army Reserve is taking health and fitness to a new level – combining a new challenge called the Double Eagle Fitness Challenge along with their Holistic Health and Fitness System (H2F).
The H2F System is an Army-wide program used to improve and prepare Soldiers for the increasingly challenging environments and adversaries they face in this modern era. It includes five disciplines of physical and non-physical readiness such as:
Physical: building strength, speed, endurance
Sleep: supporting behaviors that provide optimal brain function
Nutrition: recognizing optimum food/drink to meet physical and non-physical demands
Mental: adapting successfully through adverse situations
Spiritual: creating practices to build resilience in times of stress & hardship
The Double Eagle Fitness Challenge is a 12-week Army Reserve program that includes:
Cardiovascular exercises
Strength/resistant training
High intensity interval training (HIIT)
The new system is designed to bring a cultural change to Soldiers’ perceptions of training for the demands of close combat while building agile, adaptable, and fit troops. Army Reserve Soldiers in various locations, with varying schedules, use the program’s templates as guideposts for their progression of Soldier Readiness.
The program also provides education, coaching, mentoring, messaging, and outreach to improve, restore and maintain the readiness, resilience, and performance of the Total Army.
Learning more about this top-notch health and fitness program can also equip average Americans with the skills to be their best in the new year.
Join Sergeant Major Robert M. Setter, who developed the Double Eagle Fitness Challenge. He’ll discuss the importance of fitness training for Soldiers and how everyday Americans can gain an advantage in their own health and fitness programs by learning about the Army Reserve approach.
What can you tell us about the Army Reserve’s new health and fitness system and why it’s being introduced now?
Can you provide details about the H2F system?
How can Americans learn from these programs to improve their health and fitness?
What are the main goals the U.S. Army Reserve hopes to achieve with the H-2-F system and where can everyone learn more about it?
Sergeant Major Robert M. Setter
U.S. Army Reserve Command CIO/G6 Sergeant Major
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Sergeant Major Robert M. Setter is a native of Garnett, Kansas. He enlisted into the U.S. Army in November 1993 and attended Basic Combat Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, followed by Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gordon, Georgia, where he graduated as the Distinguished Graduate.
Sergeant Major Setter’s assignments include leadership positions at the United States Army Reserve Command, Fort Bragg, NC; Cyber Center of Excellence, Fort Gordon, GA; Human Resources Command, Ft Knox, KY; Military Intelligence Training Support Command, Ft Belvoir, VA; Military Intelligence Readiness Command, Ft Belvoir, VA; Office of the Chief, Army Reserve, Ft Belvoir, VA; Army Reserve Careers Division, Ft Gillem, GA; United States Army Reserve Command, Ft McPherson, GA; 84th Training Command, Ft McCoy, WI; 646thArea Support Group, Madison, WI; 88th Regional Support Command, Ft Snelling, MN; 21st Theater Sustainment Command, Germany; 388thMedical Logistics Battalion, Hays, KS.
Sergeant Major Setter’s military education includes Information Systems Operator-Analyst Course (Distinguished Graduate); Primary Leadership Development Course (Commandant’s List); Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course (Distinguished Graduate, Leadership Awardee); Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course(Distinguished Graduate, Leadership Awardee); United States Army Sergeants Major Course – Class 67. He holds an Associate of Science Degree in Computer Science from Grantham University (Summa Cum Laude) and has earned industry certifications of Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Security+, Network+, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), and Certified Software Manager (CSM).
Sergeant Major Setter’s awards and decorations include five Meritorious Service Medals, eight Army Commendation Medals, three Army Achievement Medals, the Army Staff Badge, the Signal Corps Regimental Association’s Order of the Mercury, and other typical awards and ribbons commensurate with his rank and time in service.
Sergeant Major Setter and his wife Lecia have been married for more than 22 years and have three children.
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