Listen to “Jing Zhao Cesarone, an educator, share Good News… “Education breeds confidence; Confidence breeds hope; Hope breeds peace!” Confucius” on Spreaker.

Jing Zhao Cesarone started her entrepreneurship in 2001 with her first company, ChinaWise, a leading business advisory firm headquartered in Chicago. In 2017, she expanded to fill the need she saw within this space for accredited early childhood education. And thus, ChildWise was born.
Jing carries with her a list of significant accomplishments that just keeps growing: from finishing second in her province out of 100,000 students to earning a full scholarship to the University of Illinois to working with Fortune 500 clients and founding her own companies. She has led multiple international projects, including distribution of educational video programs, marketing of children retail brands and entrepreneurship training, to name just a few.
She won the Corporate Woman of Achievement Award from the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO Chicago), and recently received the Global Achievement Award from the Chinese Cultural Foundation in New York for her contribution to advance global education programs.
A Call For World Peace
发发发发发发——发发 世界和平 展 盟 的 人宏 泰
By Hong Tai, World Peace Development League
词词 和平,是一个恢弘又微小的
Peace, a grandeur and granular word
词词词词 和平,是一个既近又 的状
Peace, a near and far state
词 有 和平的人,感受不到和平的重量
People who have peace cannot feel its weight
词词词词词词词词 但失去和平的人,将它 作遥不可及的梦
But those who lose peace see it as an unreachable dream
If I can, I hope no one on earth would ever feel the heavy weight of losing it
词词词 如果可以,我希望和平只是一个美好的
If I can, I hope peace is just a beautiful word of compliment
If I can, I hope peace is like the body of a healthy person
—— 筑起世界上每一个人的精神
— Holding up the spirit of everyone in the world
—— 滋养世界上每一个人的灵魂
— Nurturing the soul for each of us on earth
A Call for World Peace By Master Hong TAI
Peace is a magnificent word but also tiny
Peace is a state of both near and far.
People who live in peace cannot feel its weight.
But those who lost peace see it as an unreachable dream.
If I can, I hope that no one in the world have to
bear the heaviness of lost peace.
If I can, I hope peace is like a body of a healthy human being.
Building the spirit of everyone in the world and
Nourishing their longing soul.
Peace should not be the magic wand of conspirators.
Peace should not be left in the dream of war.
Peace should be cherished by everyone.
Peace should become a pursuit and a belief,
A belief in or human self-salvation.
our Chaotic world needs peace.
Peace is a neutral and great voice.
She represents the interests of all.
she embraces all beliefs and carries them all.
She will be transformed into a variety of voices.
And these voices will eventually be attributed to peace
Because peace is the love of the source.
Peace is the spring of life and a sweet dream.
Peace is our bright shinning sun,
Peace will be turned into faith
Filling every dark and damp corner,
To save the past and avoid future crisis,
We call for a lasting peace for generations.
We will chase the pace of peace endlessly
If peace does not return to its place someday,
That is the day for all of us
to continue our fight for peace!
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