Leah Zveglich, Founder, Aster Impact, Project Phoenix, Covid-19
Where Covid19 continues to take lives and medical professionals and every day citizens alike continue to lack access to the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) they need, Aster Impact is bringing transparency, trust, and access to a volatile market. Led by Executive Director and Founder Leah Zveglich, Aster Impact is a social enterprise incubator dedicated to social impact. Their largest project centers on fair and legal migration for workers from countries experiencing poverty and crisis around the world in an effort to end human trafficking and forced or bonded labor. In February, when the Aster Impact team saw the failure of the free market to secure necessary PPE for all, they knew they had to do something and; Project Phoenix was born. At a time when most PPE is being purchased by the ultra wealthy to flip stocks and gain more wealth, Project Phoenix exists to help school districts, nursing homes, local governments, and small hospitals purchase the PPE they need. The Project Phoenix team takes Purchase Orders for orders as small as 10,000 nitrile gloves and as large as 1 billion masks.